Monday, December 3, 2007

Outreach to Mae Hong Son

Have you ever had one of those experiences where you know you've heard God's voice - you know you are walking in obedience - yet there's something inside that says "and just what do you think you are doing"? Well, I had one of those moments as we took the last hair-pin turn up the sharp incline to the remote Karen village in the Northeast Province of Mae Hong Son. I definitely felt an air of expectancy as we drove the last few kilometers and yet I also felt the fear of the Lord as I realized that without Him, this would be nothing but an empty act of good works.

I knew we were going to be taught a great deal about faith on this trip because we didn't have nearly enough gifts to hand out to every child (over 350) - nor did we have nearly enough blankets for all the elderly people. It's very cold (freezing) up in the hills of Northern Thailand right now and warmth is a valuable commodity. ENTER THE GOD FACTOR!!! After presenting the Gospel message through dance, songs, message, and skits, we proceeded to hand out the gifts. You guessed it - WE HAD MORE THAN ENOUGH! MORE THAN ENOUGH! Praise God!

One of the challenges of handing over ministry to local people (there were Karen pastors present to do the ministry needed) is that we can't always see "the end of the story". I do know though that as I looked over the crowd the evening we presented the Christmas Story, their heads were leaning forward, their eyes were pivoted on the team members - and their spirits were being fed the food from the Master's Table! The presentation began with the lighting of the Christmas candles and a prophetic dance by two Karen Christian girls from our team. They were dressed in their traditional Karen outfits (see web album) and they were carrying tamborines as they danced to "Days of Elijah" ushering in the Presence of the Lord.

At the end of the presentation that night, the sound ringing throughout the village was "Angels we have heard on High, sweetly singing o'er the plains. And the mountains in reply, echoing their joyous strains". Just as we were singing "Glo...ria" the fireworks were set off and an amazing array of lights lit up the sky. You could have heard the softest of whispers as the chorus was finished and it was at that time that the Christmas story was presented to spirits that were alert to the coming of their King!

Please pray for wisdom for the Karen pastors and for the seeds that were sewn to produce good fruit that multiplies. Please also pray for workers for the harvest.

Thank you's go especially to our friends in Arizona who completely financed this trip. Without your generosity, this may not have happened. God bless you mightily!

1 comment:

tdanielraju_igt said...

Dear Man of God, I am inspired by your strategies. Thank you for your mission work. We have some street children along with Orphans. They are sent out by parents, grandparents or other relatives to beg in the streets every day for a variety of reasons. Most of these children have been abused emotionally, sexually, and physically. But God has sent an amazing man with a heart to see them lifted out of their despair he is none other than Jesus. Let us together love the orphans and street children love of Jesus. We are providing one time gifts, providing food, schooling, and hope to these forgotten ones. It was my privilege to bring a Hip Hop instructor up there to teach them about Jesus. They are doing an incredible work inviting Hindus to visit our Church by singing in streets and glorifying God! I love the way the Lord works.
We'd love to see your corner of the world and the people who live please pray and extend your compassion heart and helping hands to Orphans.
I would like to send mission mandate and pictures please send an E Mail to me. T. Daniel Raju. Pray for us as we do for you